Next New

A new type of “new media” that does not currently exist is a media where you can smell scents and feel texture. As an avid YouTuber I am a follower of many beauty gurus on YouTube. After watching years of videos I noticed that beauty gurus are only able to swatch products on their hands which… Continue reading Next New

Wiki So Far

The research I have done so far is on education. With the introduction and prevalent use of technology, education and the medium we receive it in has changed drastically in the past few years. Even the traditional classroom environment has changed. Previously, tests were administered in class and homework were handed in person. Now, tests… Continue reading Wiki So Far


Privacy and confidentiality is related to new media. Most social media platforms have a privacy and confidentiality page as a disclaimer to protect the rights of the owners of social media. However, the users of social media usually don’t peruse through the privacy and confidentiality page. Especially since many millennial post everything on social media,… Continue reading Privacy


Baruch College is notoriously known for their long wait times for advisement and financial aid. In fact, most of the time you will go to one department or office and be redirected to another staff member after waiting hours. New media can greatly improve and expedite the process. To be fair, Baruch College has started… Continue reading Advice


New media fosters creativity, which is user-generated content. Examples of some user-generated content is citizen journalists, videographers, expert advisors, and musical artists. In order for new media to foster creativity it needs to be through devices such as computers or telephones and the internet. In the past, most creative pieces were in the minds of… Continue reading Creativity